Aswagandhaadi Lehya

₹ 655.00
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Ayurveda Medicines for Stress & Sleep Management

What is stress & sleep management?

Stress is the response of the body to any change that needs modification or response. The body reacts to physiological, psychological, and emotional responses to these changes. The main reason behind stress is nervousness, anxiety, and depression. It mainly occurs due to physical, mental, and emotional problems.

The signs of stress are:

  • Grinding teeth, clenched jaw

  • Cold and sweaty palms

  • Muscle tension in the neck, face, or shoulders

  • Dizziness

  • Increase in or loss of appetite

  • Trembling and shaking

  • Indigestion or acid reflux symptoms

  • Respiratory, hormonal, cardiovascular, and nervous system changes

  • Not being able to sleep and restlessness increases

How can Ayurveda cure stress & manage sleep?

According to Ayurveda, the like increases and the opposites balance each other. It relies on some twenty gunas, which are organized into ten pairs of opposites. Each of them promotes the maintenance of equilibrium in its own way. In the same way, too much or too little of all of them can be troublesome and can cause stress. One can surely take Aswagandhadi Lehya, which treats stress and can be taken along with a cup of milk. Improper sleeping patterns are due to an imbalance of the doshas. It can be treated with the help of Van Sushupti Taila, which induces sound sleep.

Aswagandhadi Lehya: Acts as anti-stress and anti-anxiety neurosis, with its adaptogenic properties.
Dosage: 6 to 12g twice daily. Take the dose of lehya morning and evening followed by a cup of milk added with sugar candy.

Aswagandharishta: Useful in epilepsy nervous debility and mental derangement. A nervine tonic.
Dosage: To be taken with an equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

VAN Sushupti Taila: Helps to give sound sleep without dreams. Gives mental rest and sharpens the brain.
Dosage: To be used only under medical supervision.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.

Sterility in Men

Sterility in men is associated with the physical health and functional abilities of one’s reproductive system. In an adult male, the reproductive system is characterized by several neural pathways transmitting impulses and stimuli and glands secreting various hormones. A harmonious coordination of the physical and psychological attributes, and neural and glandular functions in union and conjugation with the woman results in offspring being born. However, of late, a malady striking several males in their ripe years is sterility.

Low sperm count, poor quality/motility, poor semen production, structural abnormality/ obstruction in sperm transporting tubes, diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease, genetic defects, and infections are some important causes. Similarly, factors like heavy smoking, alcoholism, stress, nervous tension about sex and psychological disturbances can also be responsible.

Every malady has a remedy and sterility is no exception.


Be Virile Not Servile.


VAN Ltd’s Ashwagandhadi Lehyam is an herbal preparation, an extraordinary medicine containing the key ingredient Ashwagandha in an unsullied form. Bestowed with adaptogenic properties, VAN Ltd’s Ashwagandhadi Lehyam conforms to traditions of the highest order and efficacy-wise it galvanizes the body’s natural defense to fight stress, infections, flush out toxins and stress, to calm and soothe the mind besides being an acknowledged tonic, aphrodisiac, re-vitalizer, rejuvenator, all rolled into one.

Regular intake of VAN Ltd’s ASHWAGANDHADI LEHYAM improves strength and cures debility.

All-Rounder Ashwagandhadi Lehyam

  • Aids in treating sterility and involuntary seminal discharge.

  • Assists in reduce seminal debility.Functions as an anti-stress and anti-anxiety remedy, harnessing its adaptogenic properties

  • Revitalizes vigor and energy in old age, rejuvenating the entire vital system.

  1. Aswagandha (Root)

  2. Jatiphal (Fruit)

  3. Pippali (Fruit Spike)

  4. Sounthi (Rhizome)

  5. Maricha (Fruit)

  6. Ela (Seed)

  7. Chavika (Root)

  8. Vidanga (Fruit)

  9. Kushta (Root)

  10. Lavang (Fl. bud)

  11. Vanslochan (Salt)

  12. Sariba (Root)

  13. Rasna (Rhizome)

  14. Musli (Rhizome)

  15. Jeera (fruit)

  16. Krishna Jeera (fruit)

  17. Satavari (Tub. Root)

  18. Yavanika (Seed)

  19. Pippalimoola (Stem)

  20. Kachura (Rhizome)

  21. Hribera (Root)

  22. Sweta Purnarnava (Root)

  23. Sugar

  24. Honey

  25. Ghruta

  26. Base

Dosage form: Semi Solid.

Usage: 6 to 12g twice a day.

Unit of Packing: 300g, 500g

Other Names of the Product: Ashwagandhadi Lehyam, Ashwagandhadi Lehya, Ajaswagandhadi Leham, Aswagandhadi Lehyam, Ashwagandha Churna, Ashwagandha Lehyam, Ashwagandha Lehya, Ashwagandha leha, Aswagandhadi Leha, Ashwagandhadi Leha, Ashwagandha Rasayana, Ashwa gandha lehya


Ayurvedic Medicine (AFI Part1)

User Ratings/Reviews

k.venkateswara rao


good product. i have used it and recommend this to others as well

Siva Kumar


good product. thanks to VAN

Uma Kanneganti


good product will order again.

Maheedhar Sankaramanchi


nice medicine its very good i am continuing.

Vijay Ratnam


5 stars for this product



used it. good product. Will order again

Swamy Ajk


far better products than many other companies. Good.

A R S Prakasa Rao


using your products since few years. Very positive results. Thank you

bala koteswara rao SURISETTY


My mother used this product and it worked well.

Divya SRK


Am a professional by Doctor and used these products. They are better than other branded ayurvedic companies.



good products

Padmaja Padmaja


its very good, i would like to give 5 star rating

Rajasekhar Muppalla


medicine is very good

Duthaluri Ramarao


its good product and it works.

vyaghri uma prasad sista


i have used this product. Nice product. I give 4 stars



Excellent service. I have used many english medicines from last 2 years hair falling not controlled. But am using your ayurvedic medicines i saw the result within 10 days. Present no hairfall. Thank you again for your excellent service. Am feeling happy now.

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